Thursday, February 05, 2009

Does anyone feel like they cannot connect to people all the time? Recently I have felt very much like I cannot relate to my roommates! I feel like as a college kid I am supposed to enjoy sitting on the couch watching trashy reality shows, going to parties and drinking, and acting like trivial things are somehow front page news.

I guess this is the stereotype so to speak, give or take a few attributes, but I guess I just don't fit into it. That's a good thing? I don't like to waist my afternoons on the couch watching the food network and Rock of Love and whatever else is on. I don't like to party. My roommates have just decided it is because I am not "comfortable" with parties but that is not it. I just do not enjoy them. I have no trouble talking to people and having a good time but every party I have been to is all about getting drunk with people that think they are classy - but aren't. I guess they are classy to their friends.. maybe?

I feel like in that respect I am so much more mature than these college kids. My boyfriend understands me and that is probably the most important thing but I just wish that my state of mind fit in with my age. Don't get me wrong, I am not a boring, stuffed up, grandma in a 20 year olds body but I would just like it if a college kids life wasn't supposed to revolve around laziness and hangovers. I need classy college :) If there is such a thing of course.

The Daily Scoop:
  1. I do think that I have a problem with buying jeans. I need to stop pronto. Tonight I impulse bought a pair of Rock & Republic Amethyst Kasandras! I did get a great deal on them but I seriously did not need them...
  2. Please read the Gemma Doyle Trilogy - it is amazing.