Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Heart Emma Watson

I absolutely adore Emma Watson. Not only is she gorgeous but she is eloquent and sophisticated. And I respect her for keeping out of the tabloids and drama that so many young stars get into. Check out some of these editorial pics, she is a long way from Hermione. (obv. not all from the same editorial but some of my faves.)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Top Obsessions

Forever 21 at ShopStyle

heart shopstyle, for reals. Besides that I have a few tops that I am seriously wanting for the summer seeing as it has been over 100 degrees for the past few weeks EVERY DAY. Im getting tired of sweating to look cute. I need some breezy tops (oookay so maybe the tiered top and teh plaid are not so lightweight but I still like them :)) that will keep me looking cute but not sweltering. And besides with a cute blazer or sweater I can wear them into the fall! Now if only I had more money. Being a college student is not ideal.

In other news... I have posted too many times today.

Current Obsessions: Isla Fischer

and what is not to love about the fabulous Isla Fisher in this stunning Stella Mccartney dress - I must have one! Or one like it, a more budget friendly version perhaps? I can already tell that this shape would like nice on me :)

Im on the Web

I set up a little Etsy shop here: visit if you'd like or don't if you don't but there it is :)

Need to see this movie ladies and gents, it is wonderful :) I heart Ron.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Three Outfits I Want in my Closet

These beautiful dresses/shoes make me wish that I had more reason to go out so that I would not feel guilty going out and buying all these! (or similar styles...)

This outfit is just wonderful! I love the high waisted skirt, the blue blouse with a twist, but I would be lying if I didnt say that the shoes sold the deal for me :)

Like the classic shoes but adore the dress, it's so girly and yet stunning at the same time.

And last but not least, once again, fabulous. I love the gorgeous print and the belt that looks so effortless. The shoes are OMG, seriously, I must have some.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oh Give Me Strength to Pen These Things...

Oh lordy, I am going to cry. But I love this line so much. Tragic and beautiful.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Genius Words

How wise. Words to live by, honestly. I have caught myself recently trying to make my life like someone elses, or wanting it to work out a certain way as to mimick another - and it has put me in a funk and needs to stop. As simple as they are, these words have reigned me in and I am happy with myself again. Maybe it is knowing that these words would never have been said if I were alone in this. A comforting thought.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Some Interesting Things About Me

So I was just thinking - and based on what I would like to know about other bloggers out there - here are some interesting things about myself :)

01. Life is Beautiful. I get the biggest mood lift ever when I listen to this song - I have a revelation that "life is beautiful" even through the sorrows and that makes me cry.

02. I hate group work in school. I like people and talking but when a professor suggests group work I get all tense.

03. Sometimes, I am irritated by my own voice. I wish that it sounded different. I am also a little self conscious about it for some reason.

04. I prefer shopping by myself to shopping with others.

05. Contrary to popular belief I am not that shy, I am just quiet. And there is a difference. It is not that I feel weird around people, it is just that I do not feel the need to always talk. On another note, there are a good number of people that I am awkward around, for no real reason. It's a bit annoying.

06. I cried off and on for four days after I finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife. To this day this is the book that has affected me the most.

07. I am torn about my future. I can continue along the accounting path - fairly easy for me, good money, straight forward; or switch to something more artsy - less certain about financial things, less easy, but definitely more fun and rewarding.

08. Food grosses me out very easily but yet I love to eat.

09. I am a dreamer and I usually have an ideal image of how things in life should play out. I think that it is helpful at times because it gives me something beautiful to strive for while preventing life from bogging me down but on the flipside, when things don't turn out like I see them it's fairly depressing.

10. I like to think that I am good at giving advice, now I just need to learn to take it myself.

11. I wish I were more stubborn. In relationships I tend to be the one that lets everything slide and I go with the flow even if it is not what I want to do - a good quality in moderation but sometimes I feel like it makes my personality seem drab.

12. I overthink and overanalyze. and make things out of nothing.

13. If I could meet one fictional character it would be Henry DeTamble.

14. I am a happy person but I like tragedy. I think it appeals to the part of me that wallows in emotion. Sad music features singers who are pouring out emotion that you can hear in their voices, in tragic books I can dwell and put myself in the characters place and feel the overwhelming emotions they feel, and in art I can feel the haunting feeling - and it makes me relate. Maybe that is it - it gives me the feeling that no matter what bad things could happen, they have happened before and I am not alone.